Thank you for participating in the Marx four inch pressed steel research project. Your submissions will help complete the record of what Marx
produced in this series.
This page is for the purpose of identifying the Large Bus.
Please scroll through the entire page and select one choice from each section by pointing your mouse to the appropriate button
() and clicking the left hand button on your mouse. This will cause a black dot to appear within the circle indicating that
this is your choice. At the bottom press the SUBMIT QUERY button,
then press the reset button to start another vehicle. If your vehicle has been repainted or has a reproduction grille please do not submit the
data for it. If you are unsure whether the vehicle has been repainted please note so in the comments text box near the bottom of the page.
Reproduction wheels and axles are acceptable.
NAME. This is optional. If you would like us to enter your name in our records type it into this text box.
Your name would only be used in the event that we wanted to contact you concerning a submission.
MAILING LIST. This is optional. If you would like to be added to our mailing list enter the email address you wish to be contacted at in the text box below.
SUBMISSIONS. This is optional. Would you be willing to submit photos of your vehicle or the vehicle itself to be photographed in our studio? If so please select one
of the options below.
I would submit photo if requested.
I would submit the vehicle for photography.
TOY AND TRAIN PUBLISHING CO. will assume the costs of shipping and insurance of any vehicles submitted. Please do not submit any vehicle without a request. We have access
to hundreds of variations in our locale and will only request vehicles of significant scarcity.
VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. This is optional. If you answered yes to either submission query and you have a code that identifies this particular vehicle in your
collection please type it in the text box below.
COMMENTS. If you have a vehicle with some variation not covered in this query please write a short note about it in this box.
When you press the SUBMIT button below your browser will probably pop up a dialog box like this
warning you that it is about to send an email that will reveal your email address to the recipient (TOY AND TRAIN PUBLISHING CO.) and that the
information will not be encrypted. Press the OK button and you will get another annoying pop-up dialog box like the one below.
This box is letting you know that the selections you have made will
be transmitted to TOY AND TRAIN PUBLISHING CO. by email.
This is perfectly safe. Your email address and any other information gathered will only be used for the purposes of this research and will not be
shared or sold, EVER! The identity information will not even be used by TOY AND TRAIN PUBLISHING CO. for any purpose other than this research unless
you have selected to be placed on our mailing list. The information you transmit will look like the lines of text shown below when we receive it.