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Odd Freight Cars

When collecting Marx, never say never.
Marx was producing toys, not collectibles. If something worked and was usable it was put in the box and sold. Here we have an early six inch 552 Rock Island gondola on a later production square end frame. Something that should not have been. Next to it is an early six inch Northern Pacific hopper on a more unusual frame. This one was stamped out as a round end frame but formed as a square end frame (no carrier iron). I have seen a few of these frames. It demonstrates that even though we like to assert definite years to certain aspects of production the truth is that all changes overlapped eras. Nothing is cut-and-dry!

Odd Freight Cars

This car got past the quality control guys. As you can see it was punched and formed upside down. I have seen a few of these and no, it is not a rare varition worth lots of money. It is a mistake!

(Courtesy of Peter Corrigan)